
Drone For Kids

Learning how to build and fly drones shouldn’t cost you a fortune if it’s done right. With strict regulations, we must allow learning to continue by creating a safe environment. The parrot drones has made it easy and fast for beginners to pick up drone flying very quickly in an indoor environment. Students will also have fun learning how to code the control syntax. Join us today and be a drone pilot


Code With Microbit

The micro:bit is an educational and creative tool to encourage young people (children and adults) to get actively involved in writing software for computers and making circuit connections. It can help give young people the knowledge and skills to move from being consumers of digital information, to being designers and creators of new tools to enhance learning, to solve problems or just to have fun.


Creative Coding

Scratch has a child-friendly, colourful, drag-and-drop interface that makes programming more intuitive for younger learners. The content is designed to be fun! We learn to create animations and cool effects and we create clones of some of the most popular games: Flappy Bird, Duck Hunt or Pac-Man. The games are handpicked to optimize learning computer science topics while having fun along the way.


Lego Mindstorms

The Lego Robotics programme is designed to develop LEGO® Robotics proficiency in children. Using the LEGO® Education NXT and EV3 robotics kit, students will learn to build and programme robots using various sensors and programming automation that will prepare them for the rigors of LEGO® robotics competitions


Arduino Electronics

Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. It is programmed to sense and control the objects in the physical world. This consists of both a physical programmable circuit board and a piece of software, for example, running on the pc, wanting to write and upload computer code to the physical board.


Python with Raspberry Pi

This course focuses on the Object-Oriented Programming approach to Python, and shows that the individual is familiar with the more advanced aspects of programming, including the essentials of OOP, the essentials of modules packages, the exception handling mechanism in OOP, advanced operations on strings .

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